Travel Tips for the New Exodus

Discovering Jesus in the OT cover

Welcome to Session 3 of the Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament online Bible study! In this session, you’ll learn travel tips for the new exodus. You’ll also discover another portent pointing to Jesus from the time of Moses.

Here’s how this will work:

  1. Watch this week’s video session above.
  2. Once you watch the video, answer the questions in the discussion section of this page. The questions relate to both the previous week’s study in the book as well as the video content. We hope these interactions will be both challenging and encouraging!
  3. After the video, we will let you know the personal study assignment for the next week in your Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament study book. That’s it!

Before Next Week

Complete Chapter 3–Jesus the Sacrificed Lamb (pages 43-58) in your creative devotional study book. See you next week!

Oops! Corrections for the First Edition

  • Page 50, paragraph 2, sentence 2 should read, “That would cleanse them so that they could worship at the tabernacle.”
  • Page 52, paragraph 2, last 2 sentences should read, “Then they could approach the tabernacle and worship God. Priests could enter and view…”
  • Page 54, paragraph after question 28, sentences 2-3 should read, “The afternoon was when they sacrificed the Passover lambs, which they ate after sundown. Jesus…”

Discussion Questions

Answer the following questions below in the comments to get to know your fellow Bible study friends!

  1. What one thought stuck out to you in this week’s video on Travel Tips for the New Exodus? Why did it stand out?
  2. What one thought stuck out to you from this week’s chapter? Why did it stand out?
  3. How did the miracle of Isaac’s birth affect Abraham’s faith that God keeps his promises and nothing is too hard for him (page 32 question 12)?
  4. What about the new heaven and earth do you most look forward to (page 40 question 35)?
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16 replies
  1. LaVera Parato
    LaVera Parato says:

    Greet hardships as training. I’ve just been through a major hardship.
    Isaac carrying the wood pictures Jesus carrying the cross. I had missed that one in the past. Also the ram being caught in the thicket being like the crown of thorns on Jesus. I had also missed this symbol. I also love the Carson quote on pg. 36, “God’s love is to be admired not because the world is so big and includes so many people, but because the world is so bad…”
    It reinforced Abraham’s faith to see the promise come to pass.
    No more tears, death, mourning, nor pain.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      1) May the Lord bless you greatly through the hardships. 2) Those are amazing similarities, aren’t they? Carson is great. I own many books by him. 3) Yes! 4) I look forward to that too!

  2. Becky
    Becky says:

    Grumbling into thanks giving. Why because I need to be thankful for more things.
    Jesus went to the cross willing. Just like Isaac was willing to let his father kill him but God stop him.
    Faith was strength solidified he know that God would alway keep his promises.
    4:I will see Jesus and be with love ones and be in heaven. I can’t wait.

  3. Karen Laws
    Karen Laws says:

    The tip that stood out to me was that we should turn grumbling into gratitude because that is something I have recognized in my own life. When you are grateful it improves your mood and your outlook on life.
    The part that stood out to me from lesson 2 was in Romans 8:31-39. If God is for us who can be against us? Who can separate us from the love of God. This stands out to me because it is a great comfort, God holds on to us.
    Abraham’s faith was strengthened and solidified because he knew that God will always keep his promises.
    The “things” that I most look forward to in the new heaven and new Earth are: seeing Jesus, seeing my parents, and that all tears will be wiped away.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      1) Yes–mood, outlook, joy, faith, trust. 2) I take great comfort in that passage too. 3) Yes! So important that we recognize that God prepared Abraham for his place in history. 4) I look forward to those things too!

  4. Debbie
    Debbie says:

    Travel tip 2 stood out in the video: replace grumbling with gratitude. Specifically, Philippians 4:6-7. In my case, replace anxiety/worry with prayer and petition, with thanksgiving – in ALL things. I dream of getting to the place where I can commit my cares to God and not worry about them anymore.
    On page 32, the fact that “your only son” in Genesis 22 means “one-of-a-kind” son. I’ve always taken “only son” to mean just that. But now I understand Galatians 4:23, 29 a bit more. 4:23 says Isaac was born not in the ordinary way but was the result of a promise, whereas verse 29 says he was born by “the power of the Spirit.” I take this to mean Isaac was born as a result of grace (Genesis 21:1) through faith (Genesis 15:6), whereas Ishmael was not; Ishmael was born as a result of Sarai NOT believing God would keep His promise of Genesis 15:4.
    The miracle of Isaac’s birth must have greatly increased Abraham’s faith.
    I want to see God face to face, and even though I can’t visualize what that might be like, I think it will automatically include everything I hope and long for now: no more death or mourning or crying or pain. Just think: no more evil.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Debbie. 1) So important! You might like our book, “Discovering Joy in Philippians.” It has joy builder activities that help you do just that. 2) Amazing, isn’t it? Every once in a while there’s a Hebrew or Greek word that doesn’t have an English equivalent. 3) Yes. Although the years of waiting were hard, they instilled in him great faith. 4) I can’t imagine either! No more evil is one of the things I most long for too.

  5. Shawna Stevens
    Shawna Stevens says:

    We often hear the cliche “Don’t worry; be happy”, or “just be happy”; “choose happiness”. Ive tried it; that doesn’t work. I cannot grit my teeth and become “happy”. However, in the fourth travel tip, I learned a key component in having joy that doesn’t get buffeted by my circumstances or my mood; “Fix my eyes on the destination”. Jean E, you said that the Israelites wanted the blessings of the Promised Land while they were still on their journey to it. Can I ever relate! Sometimes, instead of reading and praying faithfully, I petulantly ask God to show me Himself “somehow”. How sad. He has revealed Himself in His Word and in natural revelation. So, in order to be able to be grateful and not grumbly, to be able to treat hardships as training, I will be faithful to feast on God’s Word and to remember…..this isn’t my final stop! I am on my journey to the New Heaven and the New Earth where I/we will see Jesus face to face and that will be worth every trial and temptation here on earth! Persevere in faith because “this” is not all there is.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Shawna, so well put! I remember a grocery clerk once telling me, “Smile! It can’t be that bad.” It was my first venture out after a second trimester miscarriage, and I was grieving. I could take steps toward rejoicing in whatever God would work out, but I was still grieving and plastering on a fake smile wasn’t the answer. Yes, on that day, we will see him, and all this will fade in our memories as we experience the new joy, the new reality.

  6. yvonne Ochoa
    yvonne Ochoa says:

    1. Honestly, daily I am thanking God for things throughout the day, but…daily I still can catch myself grumbling about stuff.too. Gonna ask the Lord to help me put a lid on that. Nothing good comes from it.

    2. How both Jesus and Isaac went willingly to be sacraficed, selfless.

    3. It was further proof that God keeps His promises.

    4. Being with Jesus, My family that’s past on, and livin in a world that is drama or chaos, no sickness or tears, and forever in the light of His presence.

  7. Ebiega Emmanuel Ochima
    Ebiega Emmanuel Ochima says:

    How much I can look like the Israelites, grumbling about a lot of things. Subtly, I don’t always see but I am like them.
    God intends for me to have a good life but it comes with hardships that have its own lessons for me too.
    Getting a son towards the end of their lives, showing him God can raise the dead.
    God Himself

  8. craftingwithjack
    craftingwithjack says:

    Q1. I was amazed that God asked as opposed to told, Abraham to sacrifice his son.
    Q3. Abraham is an amazing person, his relationship with God is similar to Moses. He leaves his home because God asks, that must be the start of his faith, he doesn’t seem to badger God – When is my son going to be born? Although in taking Sarah’s servant as a wife he does seem to be hedging his bets! His trust in God is steady despite the waiting and Isaac’s birth confirmed his trust and faith in God.
    Q4. What I most look forward to is the end of pain, tiredness, and most of all wickedness. To live in a world of peace and love.


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