Promises, Prophecies, and Portents–Oh, My!

Discovering Jesus in the OT cover

Welcome to Session 1 of the Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament online Bible study: Promises, Prophecies, and Portents–Oh My! We’re excited to study this with you!

Here’s how this will work:

  1. Watch this week’s video session above.
  2. Once you watch the video, answer the questions in the discussion section of this page. The questions relate to both the previous week’s study in the book as well as the video content. For this first week, we’ll just ask some questions about the video content plus a few questions to help you get to know your fellow Bible study participants. We hope these interactions will be both challenging and encouraging!
  3. After the video, we will let you know the personal study preparation for the next week in your Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament study book. That’s it!

Subscriber Handouts

Download your 7 timelines here: Subscriber Specials. (Not a subscriber? Subscribe on the Free Resources page.)

Before Next Week

Complete Chapter 1–Genesis 3: Jesus the Serpent Crusher (pages 11-26) in your creative devotional study book. See you next week!

Discussion Questions

Answer the following questions below in the comments to get to know your fellow Bible study friends!

  1. How do the Old Testament prophecies you heard about today make you feel about your future with Jesus?
  2. Where are you studying from and what drew you to join us for this online Bible study?
  3. How have you used creativity as either a conversation starter, a means to share the gospel, a way to encourage someone, a way to easily memorize a verse, or a way to worship? Explain.
  4. What is your favorite Old Testament book of the Bible? Why do you like it?
  5. What one thought stuck out to you in this week’s video? Why did it stand out?
55 replies
  1. Lisa Long
    Lisa Long says:

    Hi everyone – I’m Lisa. I live on the Central Coast of California. I’ve already taken a group of ladies through this Bible study last fall – and I’m so excited the videos are ready now too!

    How do the Old Testament prophecies you heard about today make you feel about your future with Jesus?
    I feel like learning how the OT promises the coming of Jesus, and then reading about his coming and his life in the NT is so encouraging! God does what he says…and his promises are true!
    Where are you studying from and what drew you to join us for this online Bible study?
    As mentioned, I’ve already completed this study and I was anxiously waiting for Jean to finish the videos so I could watch them!
    How have you used creativity as either a conversation starter, a means to share the gospel, a way to encourage someone, a way to easily memorize a verse, or a way to worship? Explain.
    Yes! I have used songs to help me memorize a verse, and loved exploring ways to be creative in my worship.
    What is your favorite Old Testament book of the Bible? Why do you like it?
    I love the book of Esther – the way God reveals himself through her life and the principle “for such a time as this”…God has a plan for us always! I also love Ruth and the whole idea of a kinsman Redeemer.
    What one thought stuck out to you in this week’s video? Why did it stand out?
    The overlap between promises and prophecies. I appreciated Jean’s explanation of this and also her examples of what she was explaining by using scripture.

  2. digineeRenee
    digineeRenee says:

    Thank you Jean! Loved this – currently in a year and a half full Bible study and excited about the tie in – you really made it clear and will continue to look for the three P’s! Peace!

  3. Shawna Stevens
    Shawna Stevens says:

    What a privilege to be able to join this Bible study! It is a great privilege for my husband and me to call Jean E. and her husband friends. But this is the first time I’ve joined in the live series and already I’m hooked.

    To answer much of the “why” now, I want to reveal a truth about me which I rarely share and that is this: The book of Leviticus is my favorite book in the OT. It was through studying it, the Lord revealed Himself to me in new ways. One way He did this was by showing how Jesus fulfilled the sacrifices.

    Many people are turned off by the blood in Leviticus, but seeing it through the eyes of Jesus’ sacrifice is breathtaking and worship-inspiring. And I am sure I have only a minimal understanding so far.

    The best way for me to memorize scripture is through song. I don’t sing well, but I still like to do it as an offering to the Lord.

    In terms of one thought (so far) from the study? How timely to be reminded and to study the hope of evil’s end! The world is dying to hear this message, and many believers are weary of the battle(s). This study will help me get back on track in study, in mindset and in digging in to the promises of God and to His unchanging character. That is what my little corner of the world needs – not my opinion, but the truth of God.

    • Carolyn Yelton
      Carolyn Yelton says:

      Shawna, your comments about the significance of the blood in Leviticus, reminds me of the extensive discussion on BLOOD in “In His Image” by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey. Carolyn

  4. Carolyn Yelton
    Carolyn Yelton says:

    I live in the Denver area. Like Lisa, I co-led this study previously, beginning in January, 2020; but the COVID interrupted the completion with my group. Since this is not a “light” study, it encourages a return for additional depth. The book of Psalms is my favorite, which contains my favorite chapter, 139. Because of co-morbidities, I must continue with “isolation” from group interactions; this format is perfect for providing opportunities to meet new women. Carolyn

  5. Becky
    Becky says:

    My name is Becky. I can’t wait to go to heaven. Reading about the Old Testament I learn at my Lord. How Jesus is all thought out the old and New Testament.
    2. I have a done one study with you Jean. So when I saw you doing this. I want to learn more about the Old Testament.
    3. When I have talk about these bible study and share about the creative things I learn a lot. I did not realize God want us to be creative and that is a form of worship.
    4. Not sure I can learn something from all of them.
    5. The promise God gives us in the Bible.

  6. Ann Leatherman
    Ann Leatherman says:

    My name is Ann, aka Grannie Annie, from Yakima, WA. I would like to know how to read the rest of the discussion posts. It shows 10 replies at the top, but I can only read 5 or 6.

    I purchased all three of the Discovering studies last year and then did the Philippians one with Karla this year. Started the Psalms one after that, but never got very far. Am thankful for this opportunity to do the Jesus one now.

    I will listen to this video again and make some notes, but for now I can answer that my favorite book in the Old Testament is Ruth and I also like Esther.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, there, Grannie Annie! Hmm. I’m not sure about seeing more posts. I can see all of them. I’m viewing them from a computer, though. Are you using a phone?

      I hope to do an online study of Psalms next. Ruth and Esther seem to be common favorites! Blessings!

      • Jane Cuthbert
        Jane Cuthbert says:

        Hi Jean
        Glad you are doing an online study for the Psalms next. Bought that one ages ago but never got started. Was hoping to do it with a group at Church but then came COVID19 xx

        • Jane Cuthbert
          Jane Cuthbert says:

          Hi everyone
          I’m joining you from Bournemouth on the south Coast of England UK.. I did the Discovering Joy in Philippians and now looking forward to finding out more about how Jesus fulfills prophecy. Seeing all these prophecies fulfilled proves the Bible is true and reliable so gives me more confidence for my future with Jesus.

          Creativity – During Lock-down I have been making up the pretty teabag pockets from Karla’s website (a free-printable) and sending them to family and friends to bless them and keep in touch.

          My favourite book of the Old Testament is Isaiah. I love the imagery. As a child I had to memorize Isaiah 40:30-31 and, as a wheelchair user, still hold onto those words” Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

          From the video – I wasn’t familiar with Portents and Types so looking forward to learning more.

          • Jean E.
            Jean E. says:

            Hi, Jane from England! We got to visit England a few years ago. I had to buy a raincoat because where I live, it doesn’t rain in the summer, and there, it rained almost every day. Each time I wear the raincoat I think fondly of England.
            You’re right–the fulfillment of prophecy gives us confidence in the reliability of Scripture, and therefore confidence for our future with Jesus.
            I’ll have to check out those teabag pockets.
            What beautiful imagery. I hope to see you running in the new heaven and earth!

  7. yvonne Ochoa
    yvonne Ochoa says:

    #1. Hi Jean. the Old Testament prophecies and their fulfillments give me assurance of God’s promises and blessed assurance in the person of Jesus Christ, our savior and Redeemer
    #2. My name is Yvonne Ochoa from Spring Glen, Utah. I began taking these classes way back in the beginning of 2019 with that 1st class of Discovering Hope in the Psalms with Karla. It was just after my son had died and was a great help to me. I then took the Discovering Joy once with you, and again with Pam and Karla. So I was looking forward to this one next.
    #3. Doing the coloring pages helps me to remember the verses. Also like to tell people what I’m learning. When i talked to my grown grandson Nick, he wanted a copy so I had one shipped to him too.
    #4. From reading the comments, looks like many of the women like Ruth and Esther. My favorites too. They both show that God has a specific plan for each of us, and He is faithful to see it through.
    #5. The word portent, I didn’t know what it meant. Thank you for how well you always explain things out.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Yvonne! Welcome. I’m so sorry for your loss. Coloring helps me remember verses too. Yes, God is faithful and his plans are good.

      You’re welcome. The newer NIV replaces “portent” with “sign” in Psalm 71:7, perhaps because the word isn’t used as often any more. Blessings!

  8. Marie Thompson
    Marie Thompson says:

    Good morning! I am from Easley, SC. I am facilitating a group of ladies in this study and we are loving it! We are just starting week 8!
    I have fallen in love with the teachings in the Old Testament, and am amazed each week at the new connections to Jesus I am finding.
    Your videos for this book will reinforce what we have studied and hopefully clarify some parts that I struggled with. Thank you for doing this! I am looking forward to doing the other 2 studies currently out and can’t wait for John!!

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Welcome, Marie! Week 8–you’re almost done. I’m so happy you’re loving the study.

      Please go to About > Contact and let me know your questions. I’ll do my best to answer them. Perhaps I can work those areas into future videos. Blessings!

  9. lynnaclark61
    lynnaclark61 says:

    Lynna Clark, I am in Aiken, S.C. I feel that what we see is the fore shadowing of Jesus in the O.T. while we wait for his birth in the N.T. I feel assurance that Jesus was coming, has come and is here for all of us in out lives. I have used the O.T. many times to talk to others about Jesus and salvation. It was promised that Jesus, the Messiah, was coming and how the world would change and why. I love the teaching of the O.T. and I take a lot of classes from Precept Ministry. I am excited to dig into this study. Thank you….

  10. paintnquilt
    paintnquilt says:

    Hi my name is Sheryll I am joining you from Kansas City, Missouri! I really enjoyed “Discovering Hope in the Psalms” and receive your emails – I will be honest I do not always have time to read them completely but something made me stop today and take the time – or I should say the Lord had me stop and listen today!
    I have ordered my book and am looking forward to doing this study with everyone! I am so excited about my future with Jesus. I am looking forward to His hug!
    I enjoy learning more about the Bible and the mysteries it holds! I belong to a small group that makes cards for the prayer team at our church and love to know that I might help bring a little smile to their day with a handmade card and a prayer!
    I love the Psalms & the proverbs they always fill me with joy for some reason – often times when I am feeling lost I turn to them and find my way again!
    I did not know about portents – will definitely be studying these now! Thanks so much for making a regular Tuesday spectacular! Sheryll

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Sheryl! Welcome. What a wonderful ministry you have. I turn to Psalms often too when things around me are distressing. They change my perspective and remind me weird things aren’t new, and God is taking us to be with him.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Margie–welcome. I’m in Orange County, CA, just a bit north of you. I pray this study will encourage you and bless you as you see God’s faithfulness to his promises. <3

  11. jeandeleeuw
    jeandeleeuw says:

    My name Jean and I live near Chicago,Il. I’m glad that I will be able to see my Savior.I joined today because I began studying this book and was utterly fascinated with it. My favorite book of the Bible is hard to answer, but Job and Isaiah stand out. I was impressed with how simple it seemed to find Jesus in scripture.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Jean! Welcome. Job and Jeremiah are my two favorites, so I’m with you. Isaiah fascinates me, though. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Rhonda King
    Rhonda King says:

    Hi Jean, I’m Ronnie from Winona, MS and this is my 3rd study with you. I absolutely loved doing Discovering Hope in Psalms and it was especially helpful to me as it was during a very emotional and difficult time in my life. Then I did the Joy in Philippians one and now really enjoying learning all the ways the Old Testament points us to Jesus! You are a wonderful teacher and I appreciate all you, Pam and Karla have put into these studies.
    My favorite Old Testament book is Psalms and one of my favorite Psalms verses is 16:5 which says “Lord, You are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold my future.” Oh my how this speaks to me and tells me He is enough, everything, all I need – now and forever!

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Oh, Ronnie, that’s a wonderful verse. The psalms help us pray in all situations. Thank you for your kind words. Blessings,

  13. Debbie
    Debbie says:

    Hello everyone! I’m Debbie — studying from Hermiston, Oregon — about three hours east of Portland. I’ve wanted to do this study for some time so was thrilled when I found out about a couple days ago.

    I’m happy about my future with Jesus. I write to express creativity – and often write about Scripture as a way to worship, and try to share what I learn. I am drawn to the book of Exodus – and it would take all day to really explain why, but when I study it, I arrive at a picture of a loving, relational God –and not the angry ogre some people make Him out to be. One thought in the video that stood out was actually in the prophecy of Ezekiel 34: 23-24: “I the LORD will be their God.” It made me think of biblical covenants. It made me think of Revelation 21:2-3: “They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.” In short, God makes me feel like family, accepted, included, and welcomed.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Welcome, Debbie! Exodus is an amazing picture of our current journey from this world to the heavenly promised land! Yes: “family, accepted, included, and welcomed.” Love this.

  14. LaVera
    LaVera says:

    Hello Jean! I’m so happy to have been introduced to your work (and Clay’s through you!). You are right up there with Nancy Guthrie! This is the second study of yours I have done. I did both studies with a lovely group of ladies, but sadly, I did not get to complete this one with them–missing the last 2 lessons, so I was excited you are offering it this way.
    I have been praying for your family. I also recently lost my job unexpectedly.
    1. I love how the lessons show the story from Genesis to Revelation. I can’t wait for Jesus to return. In our day and age, the hope of the New Jerusalem and a perfect world where Jesus’s Kingdom is fully and visibly lived out–a world where there is no more pain, sorrow, and suffering–gives me hope and strength.
    2. Already answered except where from–Havelock, NC
    3. I have made up songs for personal worship and prayer. I use music to memorize Scripture. I encourage others through song. I have dabbled at making homemade cards. I’ve written gospel skits for children.
    4. Wow! Picking a favorite OT book is hard. It has changed over the years. At times it has been Genesis, the Psalms, Job, Kings, Judges, and Isaiah all for different reasons. Right now, I don’t know, but because of this study, I’m more intrigued with Zechariah.
    5. The last prophecy/portent of Judas’s betrayal stood out to me. I have missed seeing this one in the past.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, LaVera. Thank you so much for your prayers. May the Lord bless your finances and provide for you abundantly. 1) I can’t wait for that coming kingdom either. 2) Such a lovely place. 3) What wonderful ministries you have. 4) It IS hard to pick, isn’t it? It changes for me too. 5) That the Lord God so carefully guided David’s life and his writings so we could recognize Jesus is amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Marci
    Marci says:

    Hello! I’m Marci, from Portland, OR. How exciting to be part of a cross country bible study! I recently began re-reading the Old Testament, I’m currently in 1 Samuel. I received an email from my church’s women’s ministry encouraging us to join this bible study, it was a perfect fit! I’m looking forward to receiving the related book, and have enjoyed reading the thoughtful comments from fellow students. Thanks everyone! 🙂

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Welcome, Marci! Yes, it is exciting, isn’t it? You’re read most of the texts for the first 3 chapters recently, then. And chapter 4’s reading is in 1 Samuel. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Selina
    Selina says:

    Hi Jean E, My church women’s bible study just completed Discovering Joy in Philippians. It was such an amazing timely study. I am really excited to start this one!! Based on your video today, I know my Faith and knowledge will be strengthened. How wonderful!!
    My favorite OT books are Ruth and Esther.
    The thought that sticks out is that God fulfills all his promises!! He is always faithful and true!!
    Thanks for your amazing studies!
    Selina, San Juan Capistrano, CA.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Selina! I’m glad you’re excited about this one. Ruth and Esther seem to be the most popular here. You’re welcome!

  17. Karen Laws
    Karen Laws says:

    Well, a week late on answering but…
    1. How do the Old Testament prophecies you heard about today make you feel about your future with Jesus?
    I feel secure in God’s word when I think about the prophecies I hear about today because since God fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament in the person of Jesus, the Mesiah, I can be sure that he will fulfill his other prophecies and promises as well.

    Where are you studying from and what drew you to join us for this online Bible study?

    My friend, Becky, encouraged me to take this class along with her. I am Karen from St. Louis, MO.

    How have you used creativity as either a conversation starter, a means to share the gospel, a way to encourage someone, a way to easily memorize a verse, or a way to worship? Explain.

    I have used creativity to share the gospel when I was a teenager and entered a poster contest advertising Vacation Bible School.

    I have also used creativity to share the gospel by making beaded bracelets on which each bead was a different color and represented a part of the gospel message.

    I have used art journalling as a conversation starter with my counselor to help me process hurts from my past and feelings surrounding them as part of a healing process.

    I have used creativity to make cards to send to people to encourage them.

    I have also used an art journal to take sermon notes and draw pictures representing the scripture or topic being taught.

    What is your favorite Old Testament book of the Bible? Why do you like it?

    My favorite Old Testament book is Psalms. I like it because it is poetry and songs. It often speaks to where my heart is. It includes the good, the bad, and the ugly of our emotions and shows that it is ok to express our feelings and thoughts to God because he understands.

    What one thought stuck out to you in this week’s video? Why did it stand out?

    What stands out to me from the video is the 3 ways Jesus is revealed in the Old Testament: promises, prophecies, and potents.

  18. Van Essa
    Van Essa says:

    1) More secure. Every tiny detail has been elaborately orchestrated.
    2) I’m in North Carolina. Jean, I love that you are so thorough in your teachings. I learned so much from Discovering Joy In Philippians.
    3) I have not used creativity to express my belief in the gospels. That is one of the many reasons that led me to your bible studies. I love Karla’s artwork.
    4) Jonah. It fascinates me that someone lived for 3 days in the belly of a sea creature and that Jonah actually thought he could hide from God.
    5) Promises, prophecies, and portents. I’m excited to have you show me Jesus in the Old Testament!

  19. Ebiega Emmanuel Ochima
    Ebiega Emmanuel Ochima says:

    Hearing about the prophecies from the OT, made me feel my future is sure to come to pass, if all these prophecies did happen.
    I am currently reading Kings and David’s name keeps reoccurring, so yes I will like to match David to Jesus.
    yes, I drew the bridge illustration
    The Psalms, just for sheer number of times it was mentioned in the NT.
    That Jesus fulfilled promises, prophecies and portents

  20. Sheree Poole
    Sheree Poole says:

    Hi Jean. I’m Sheree from Lexington, S.C. I am getting a late start, but hopefully will get caught up. I loved your first video. Lots of good info to begin with. I love the OT prophecies about Jesus, because that was God’s plan from the very beginning in Genesis about the “Promised One” Genesis 3:15-17, and that makes our future secure. I have “The Jesus Bible” which shows Jesus in every book of the Bible and I absolutely love it. I have enjoyed these Discovering creative devotional studies, I have them all. So I am looking forward to going through “Discovering Jesus in the OT” each week. I think of creative Bible journaling as a form of worship back to God. Even God said, In the beginning God “created”… So what we do with our creativity is giving back to God what He has given us in the form of worship, praise and prayer…I just love it! My favorite book of the OT is Psalms. They are so beautifully written and are packed with so much truth from the entire Bible.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Sheree–welcome! South Carolina is so beautiful. Don’t worry about catching up–just go at your own pace. Lots of women are still registering. On creativity as worship, I totally agree!

  21. craftingwithjack
    craftingwithjack says:

    Hello Jean, I am in North Wales, UK. I do find the Old Testament difficult to read at times, so many facts and numbers! I gain more understanding if someone explains, for example, I have just done a small study on Job which helped me understand Job a little better. My favourite book is The Psalms because they are about worshipping God and I can use those words to pray and worship. I have made several batches of purse cards that have a Bible quote on them and given them away, but since I give them to the people I meet at all the different churches I go to, I am not sure that counts as sharing my faith. (We are away for three months of the year with the caravan, so I go to a different church every two weeks as we move on to somewhere else). I did a little ‘Wow” when you said Jesus was quoting a verse from the Old Testament after Judas dipped the bread. I love finding things out like that. Somebody said to me that the New Testament is Jesus revealed and the Old Testament is Jesus concealed. I don’t think the Old Testament affects my faith in Jesus. All the stuff about the kings, for example, makes me wonder how God put up with them, as I also wonder why God puts up with me when I don’t study or pray as regular as I should. I just thank Him for his patience and His promise that I am forgiven.

    I looked with dismay at the questions, but I seem to have written a lot! Angela

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Angela. Welcome! Your cards are a wonderful way to encourage others–thanks for sharing! The questions are so we can get to know and inspire others, so if one ever dismays you, just skip it! May the Lord continue to inspire you with sharing verses.

  22. Laina
    Laina says:

    #1 – My future is secure in Him; what peace, comfort and joy to look for His promised return!

    #2 – Right now I’m studying Galatians. What drew me was your emails. I already purchased the book when it first came out and was looking forward to the study. I have seen Jesus in the Old Testament and when your new study workbook was released, I couldn’t wait to dive in; to study and look for all the OT scriptures where we see Jesus in the OT. 🙂

    #3 – I journal in a journaling bible and use illustrations to write about what God has shown me in His word. I belong to a couple of FB groups and share them to encourage others about God’s goodness, His truth and

    #4 – It’s hard to choose a favorite OT book of the Bible, but after studying Hope in the Psalms at Karla’s FB group, I’d have to say it’s my favorite at the moment. 🙂 It brings realism to our walk with God We read about Psalmists who went through really tough times that touched and affected their mind, their will and their emotions. Years ago, when I first read that David was depressed, I rejoiced because the church makes you feel like you’re an outcast if you have feelings of being down or depressed! What joy I had when I found out that the very man who was a man after God’s own heart was depressed! Jean, I hope you guys will do, Wisdom found in Proverbs or something like that!

    #5 – What stood out was when you said that David’s dynasty ended. Is there a scripture or a reasoning from the scriptures for that? When Jesus came to earth, I’ve understood that to mean that David’s dynasty was partially fulfilled because not all has been fulfilled until the return of Jesus when He rules and reigns on earth as King of kings and Lord of lords in the Ezekiel temple in Jerusalem. The scripture in Ezekiel you used in the video is one of the examples of David’s dynasty as a type and shadow continuing until the return of Jesus. I did a Kay Arthur Precepts study on Ezekiel about 3 years ago and that’s what I concluded after finishing the study.

    Thanks for sharing this study with us. I look forward to Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament! 🙂 God bless you dear Jean!

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      1) Yes: secure! 2) Love Galatians. From what state/country are you studying? 3) Nice. 4) Book 5 is Discovering Wisdom in the Old Testament. It’ll look at Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and a wisdom psalm. 4) Good question. David’s dynasty ceased in 586 BC. 2 Kings 25 describes how it ended. Psalm 89 describes the people’s shock over its end. But its end was a temporary interruption. Jesus is now crowned King of kings and his throne will last forever. His reign has already begun, but in the new heavens and earth we’ll see it fully. Jesus descended from David and therefore is a part of David’s dynasty. David’s imperfect reign was a type of Jesus’s perfect reign. The chapter, “Jesus the King Forever,” will explain the details. Blessings to you too!

  23. Zelda
    Zelda says:

    Hello, My name is Zelda. I am studying from South Africa.
    The prophecies in old testament confirms that God has already made a plan to ensure that all humanity is reconciled to Him through Jesus Christ. It makes me feel like there is brighter future that awaits us. This future is with Jesus; we will share in His inheritance.

    I have felt God saying I need to study Jesus in the old testament, and I had no clue where to start. Then I decided to just Google the topic and I came across this study.

    I have always use my own experiences to talk to people about God. I believes people want people who are willing to be vulnerable with them and show that they too are human just like them, and they also experience the same challenges as them.

    The thing I am struggling with is memorizing a verse. I am still working on it.

    Currently my favourite book is Genesis, because that is the first book in which we meet Jesus.
    What stood out for me in the video is that the old testament reveals Jesus in portents. I think I have been so fixated in the promises and prophecies that I was not aware of the portents.
    It is amazing that events in the old testament foreshadow the events in the new testament.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Welcome, Zelda! Wow, South Africa! 1) That God’s plan was in place before he created the world assures me of our future too. 2) I’m glad you found it. 3) I agree–our own stories help others. I find memorizing hard too. One thing that helps in this book is saying a verse over and over while coloring it. 4) Genesis is a wonderful book and introduces Jesus to us early on. Yes, those amaze me too. I’m in awe of how God unfolds his plan.

  24. Tina Wessels
    Tina Wessels says:

    How do the Old Testament prophecies you heard about today make you feel about your future with Jesus? It tells me that all Jesus’ promises are yes and amen and that we can trust his promises.
    Where are you studying from and what drew you to join us for this online Bible study?I am studying from Nelspruit, South Africa. I was browsing our Christian Bookshop looking for something in-depth to study, and I saw this book. I stuggle with the old testament myself, so I am looking forward to this course.
    How have you used creativity as either a conversation starter, a means to share the gospel, a way to encourage someone, a way to easily memorize a verse, or a way to worship? Explain. I have taught illiterate women the Story telling method which was very successful.
    What is your favorite Old Testament book of the Bible? Why do you like it? Psalms – I love to worship with the Psalms
    What one thought stuck out to you in this week’s video? Why did it stand out? I didn’t realise the three different ways that Jesus reveals himself through the Old Testament. This is something new that I have learnt.


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