Jean E. Jones Bio

Short Bylines

Jean E. Jones is co-author of five books, including Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs, and was a contributing writer for She blogs at

Jean E. Jones is co-author of five books, including Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs. She blogs at and lives with her husband Clay in sunny California.

Jean E. Jones is co-author of Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs and a member of Women in Apologetics and the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association. She blogs at

Medium Bio for Guest Spots

Jean E. Jones is co-author of Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs, Discovering Good News in John, and more in the award-winning Discovering the Bible series. She blogs at Jean is a member of Women in Apologetics. She’s been a contributing writer for and has published in Today’s Christian Woman and Home Life. She’s happily married to her high school sweetheart, Clay, who teaches Christian apologetics at Talbot Seminary. They live in Laguna Niguel, California, and once were foster parents to three preteen/teen girls. Jean enjoyed rooster claws and century eggs in Asia.

For medium-long bio, see About.

Long Bio

Jean E. Jones enjoys writing Bible study guides that help people put God’s words into action. Along with best-selling author Pam Farrel and popular artist Karla Dornacher, she wrote the award-winning Discovering the Bible series of books, including Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs and Discovering Good News in John.

Jean began teaching Bible studies and leading small group discussions as a senior in high school. She worked as a systems analyst in high tech and medical industries, writing training materials and teaching hundreds to use computers. She eventually launched her own computer consulting business, becoming a Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft Certified Expert, and Adobe Certified Expert.

She’s a member of Women in Apologetics (WIA) and Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA). She speaks at conferences and women’s events. Jean was a contributing writer for and has written for Today’s Christian Woman and Home Life. She has served on women’s ministry leadership teams for over 30 years.

She married her high school sweetheart, Clay, who teaches Christian Apologetics at Talbot Seminary. Not having kids of their own, they foster parented babies and preteen/teen girls.

She’s lived in Southern California her entire life and currently resides in Laguna Niguel, just a few miles from gorgeous beaches. She loves needlecrafts, dabbles in drawing, and took oil painting lessons from her mother-in-law, a former Disney artist. She often accompanies her husband when he speaks, resulting in the chance to enjoy exotic foods, such as rooster claws and century eggs in Asia.

Jean E. Jones blogs at