Discovering Joy in Philippians Online | Session 3

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We’ve completed the first two chapters of Discovering Joy in Philippians. Next up is to watch the Session 3 video below. Then in the comments section, answer the questions you find below the video. After that, complete chapter 3 in Discovering Joy in Philippians and come back when you finish for Session 4!

If you can’t participate now, that’s okay. I’ll leave these posts up for you to do when you’re ready.

Questions to answer in the comments:

  1. How does choosing to see yourself as a servant of Christ rather than a victim of injustice affect your attitude (page 34)?
  2. How does remembering you have peace with God and stand in his grace affect you today (page 35)?
  3. Which joy-building activity brought you the most joy this last week? Why?

Posts about Heaven:

Before watching next week’s video…

Complete Chapter 3: Discover the Eternal Perspective. Come back next week to discuss the chapter and watch the next video.

45 replies
  1. Jean E.
    Jean E. says:

    1) It helps me move forward with courage, knowing God has a purpose for me in this. That brings me joy and peace.
    2) It makes me feel happy, safe, peaceful, and thankful!
    3) The joy-builder on singing to the Lord brought me the most joy. Twice before bedtime, my husband and I played the version of “Throne Room” that has words, and we sang to it together. We sang a few other songs, too. “Throne Room” left me filled with joy and peace. It was still playing in my head the next morning.

  2. Lisa Karnish
    Lisa Karnish says:

    1)Being a servant of Christ is motivation for me when the race gets exhausting or overwhelming. It is my why.
    2)Having Gods Peace make me invincible in this world. Provided i continue to look up!
    3)my joy builder has been bringing creativity into my prayer life. I am creative in my head… but not with my hands.Coloring and trying to doodle a bit while studying the word have been like fresh air.
    Praying for others with Joy was an excellent reminder of external Joy building. Paul Loved the philippian brothers and sisters. I wanna be like paul!

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Lisa!
      1) Oh, yes.
      2) Looking up is essential. I’m glad you mentioned that. I recite a verse every night before I pray with my husband. Three of the verses in the rotation help me look up: Colossians 3:1-4; 1 Corinthians 4:1-5; and 2 Corinthians 4:16-18.
      3) Love that! I wanna be like Paul too!

      • Lisa Karnish
        Lisa Karnish says:

        That you for the verses. Very powerful scriptures! Thank you! I just love digging into the word!

  3. shellymendenhall
    shellymendenhall says:

    When I see myself as a servant of Christ and not a victim, it helps me keep my eyes on HIM and not on myself or my circumstances as circumstances change constantly, sometimes literally, hourly. Having Peace with God helps me remember that having peace with Him is all that matters- I can choose to always be peaceful with Christ although I might not always have peace with others or my situations. The Joy builders that help me the most are using my skills and my creativity in my daily life

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Shelly!
      1) Yes!
      2) I’m working on remembering that too. Others’ judgments don’t count (1 Corinthians 4:1-5).
      3) Nice!

  4. Patti Rosenthal
    Patti Rosenthal says:

    By seeing myself as God’s servant, I see myself not only as having been created in His image, but also as having been equipped and sent forth to do that which He has prepared in advance for me to do. Even at times of apparent failure or intentional harm, I know that God makes good come of everything because He loves me and will not abandon me.
    Grace truly is undeserved merit; I stand before the Lord, unworthy of merit yet knowing that I am chosen, wanted, and loved…which causes me to view the the blessings and challenges of my life with thankful eyes and a grateful heart.
    I’ve been recognizing and acknowledging God in the “everyday” things of life, and quietly thanking Him for His lovingkindness. I notice now that a quick smile comes to my face, and joy to my heart as I practice gratitude instead of simply assuming that life “is what it is.”

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Patti!
      1) Yes–important truths to grasp.
      2) “Chosen, wanted, and loved”–amazing!
      3) Oh, love this! What a difference a change like this can make.

  5. Tetiana Ashley
    Tetiana Ashley says:

    1.It brings an amazing feeling of knowing that there is a purpose for everything I am going through. it’s not just a some kind of tough times or dark period of my life. But it is
    A. an opportunity for me to see God’s glory and power when I am helpless, experience His comfort and healing when I am down, His friendship and Loving Presents when I am lonely….
    B. an opportunity for others to see God’s hand in my life,to be inspired and encouraged by it.
    2. Realizing that any challenge or difficulty today can turn to a blessings with purpose, gives me strength and Joy. I am not a prisoner of this life’s difficulties or uncertainty, but I am child of God, Who works through me to show His Love and Power to everyone.
    3. My joy-building activities are Playing Piano and worshipping His Name, also machine embroidery, quilting and other craft, where I received so much joy and happiness through it.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Tetiana!
      1) Beautifully put truths.
      2) I agree!
      3) Nice. I embroider by hand. Playing piano in worship must be amazing.

  6. Becky taylor
    Becky taylor says:

    1.It helps me to get out the victim
    thinking. God helps me to be a servant because there is time I don’t realize that I am doing it for him.
    2. I don’t deserver grace but praise God he gives it to me. So I can learn to show grace to others.
    3. Sing more and trying to be creating.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Becky!
      1) God does help us, doesn’t he?
      2) Yes!
      3) I’ve enjoyed singing more and creating this week too.

  7. Selina
    Selina says:

    It reminds me that I am here to be a reflection for Christ and so I should live, act and think accordingly.
    Knowing I have peace with God and that I stand in His grace frees me from the world and brings me much joy and peace.
    The Lord has put lots of songs in my head this week. I have been singing and humming as I cook, clean, garden etc. I have also been dealing with a challenge that I have realized is a blessing and growth opportunity. I am so thankful that God is always there and faithful. I am filled with joy as I type this.

  8. Kim E Blair
    Kim E Blair says:

    1 as a victim you feel depressed and sad as a servant it gives me strength knowing that God is in control and already knows the out come of the situation. So I have nothing to worry about as he has a plan for me and any situation I face helps me to become stronger in Christ
    2. It gives me peace of mind and pure joy as I know he is in control
    3. My joy building is working on a coloring book with Bible verses and constantly repeating the song Rejoice, Rejoice and again I say Rejoice I sing it in the morning and through out the day it is such a simple song and yet says so much.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Kim!
      1) Knowing that helps so much. It helps with forgiving, too.
      2) Yes!
      3) Oh, I haven’t thought of that song in a long time–now it’s playing in my mind. I like that. I love what you’ve been sharing on FB about your coloring book.

  9. Jane Cuthbert
    Jane Cuthbert says:

    Makes me consider God’s plan and my part in it, in my current circumstances; how God can use me as a wheelchair user.
    Knowing God is in control helps me focus on what I can do rather than what I can’t.
    I feel blessed, forgiven and loved.

    I have enjoyed starting my Truth Journal. I began by copying the lyrics of two favourite Christian songs:
    You Say by Lauren Daigle and Extraordinary by Laura Story.

    Has helped me believe the truths about God rather than the lies Satan tells.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Jane!
      1) Yes, seeing ourselves as God’s servant helps me consider God’s plan, too. (I injured my back a couple years ago and need a wheelchair at the airport.)
      2) A Truth Journal helps so much during tough times! I just hopped over to check out “Extraordinary”–I hadn’t heard it and I love Laura Story!
      3) Yes!!

  10. Dianne Taylor
    Dianne Taylor says:

    In the past, I’ve had moments when I felt like was a victim. Thankfully, God revealed to me that His people felt that way too, until they took their focus from themselves and their circumstances and totally focused on the Almighty hand of God to see them through. In studying the words, “victim” and “servant,” I found this: “Circumstances can shape our perspective. But our perspective has everything to do with the way we respond to our circumstances.”
    I have peace and joy regardless of what is going on around me and in our world. Truly, only HE can give us peace that escapes the understanding of this world.
    This past week, I’ve focused on several friends who are carrying physical burdens. I’ve texted and messaged them prayers and inspiration al quotes/scriptures. I usually send handmade cards but having moved recently those supplies are in boxes for awhile.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Dianne!
      1) Good quotation!
      2) Yes–trying to get peace from the world is a losing battle. We’re meant to get peace from God.
      3) Encouraging others is a terrific joy builder. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Tami
    Tami says:

    1) Rather than focusing on what are, in my opinion, errors – as a servant of Christ I am compelled to fo us on His work, His goals, His directives for me.
    2) Remembering that peace with God “trumps” momentary conflicts with people/circumstances gives me a more proper perspective and allows joy to overcome displeasure.
    3) Practicing joy and thankfulness when I remember my grown child who is making unhealthy choices is moving me from anxiety to greater trust in God’s promises.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Tami!
      1) Love that focus–it helps immensely.
      2) Yes!
      3) Our foster children made so many unhealthy choices, but rejoicing in all God does and in the ways he would continue to draw them to him helped bring joy in the midst of sadness over them. May the Holy Spirit draw your grown child to know the Lord and walk with him completely. May he/she see the consequences of unhealthy choices before those consequences arise so that better choices can be grasped.

  12. Rebecca
    Rebecca says:

    1.How does choosing to see yourself as a servant of Christ rather than a victim of injustice affect your attitude?
    When I see myself as a victim I spiral downward into depression, anger, meanness, and internalize every thought of what I believe others think about me. When I serve God I let these thoughts go…I ask the Holy Spirit to renew me, to cleanse my heart to restore my soul. He is faithful and reminds me i am his child. Serving Christ is a healing balm to my world weary wounds. Forgiving others with grace and mercy is so freeing, catching the anger and releasing it is renewal of mind, remembering I am a child of God instead of a mere earth dweller transforms my soul.
    2. How does remembering you have peace with God and stand in his grace affect you today?
    When I am walking in Christ my internal world is at peace. I sometimes struggle to stay in God’s peace, but, I always find my way back to his peace. I cannot imagine being without the hope of God. What a miserable place this would be without God. Without Jesus.
    3. Which joy-building activity brought you the most joy this last week? Why?
    I’ll answer this one next week 🙂

  13. yvonneochoa
    yvonneochoa says:

    I can see myself as part of a greater plan than I know, in spite of the fact that I may not know.
    It’s like blessed assurance.
    practicing gratitude, helps me see things differently, assures me there is a light to the end of the tunnel, nothing is in vain, God has a plan he will complete

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      1) Yvonne, you are so right! Seeing ourselves as servant’s of Christ makes us aware of the part we play in a much bigger plan, and makes us less consumed with ourselves.
      2) Yes–blessed assurance. I like that!
      3) Yes, practicing gratitude changes how we view things and gives us assurance of the end. Well put!

  14. Syndi
    Syndi says:

    I have a question about Page 42 where you say “I avoid ‘positive thinking’ statements that may not be true”. Can you clarify what you mean by that and maybe give a couple examples??

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Syndi! Sure. When facing a difficult conversation, instead of writing, “I know the truth will come out and everyone will be happy,” I might write, “I will do my best to show love with God’s help, and I know God will use this for my good.” When my husband first found out that he might lose his job, instead of writing “God won’t let him lose his job,” I wrote something like, “God will take care of us whether or not he loses his job.” When he had a tumor on his spine, instead of writing, “God won’t let this be cancer,” I wrote something like, “God will be with us no matter what and will use this for our good.” Here’s more info:

  15. Tina Lau
    Tina Lau says:

    Hi everyone,
    I am the example Jean E. was talking about who saw her Bible in high school and wanted to get better grades than her. I thought I was very sophisticated in critiquing Christianity, when I actually had never even heard the gospel. Jean E. took care of that and was my “spiritual mommy”. That was back in 1973 and totally changed my life. Her bravery in being openly Christian was used by God to save me from my futile way of life inherited from my family. I owe Jean E., and even more than her I owe God, a debt I can never repay.
    PS Hi Jean E.! Love you always.

  16. Judith
    Judith says:

    1) Practicing this applied to my life this past week- Wow. It changes everything. Rather than seeing myself as a victim of my circumstances, to view those same circumstances as His purposeful call and assignment for me brings an anticipation of what He will accomplish through it- for my own good- rubbing off my sharp edges and/or for furthering His Kingdom. I don’t have to be able to see or understand how that will even work or look, I can 2) stand in His grace and know His peace. It releases a lot of angst and pressure.
    That’s a joy builder!
    3) The joy building activities- two that really stood out for me
    How I approach others from last week’s video, I kept in mind all week. Whomever He brings to mind- using the tools of thanking Him for them every time I think of them, refusing to rehearse any wrongs- instead focusing on the good- remembering that any difficulties are opportunity to rub off MY sharp edges, and having confidence that He will finish the good work He has begun in them- the fruit of that is also a lot of JOY.
    The other was a cycle I identified and practiced from day 3, pg 36
    Rejoice —> Pray continually —-> In everything give thanks
    Seeing and experiencing how when I am thankful, I’m more joyful, if I pray continually, I see more of His answers, I become MORE thankful, more joyful… it’s a cycle that builds
    And the reverse: If I’m not thankful, I’m not joyful, I pray less, I see less of His answers and I have less joy, less gratitude.
    I know it’s a relatively simple concept, but daily practicing this has been like giving myself JOY shots 🙂

  17. Kathy Mc
    Kathy Mc says:

    How does choosing to see yourself as a servant of Christ rather than a victim of injustice affect your attitude (page 34)? – I help care for my mom, which can be overwhelming at times, yet I know this is what I am supposed to be doing and that makes me feel like I am doing as Christ has asked.
    How does remembering you have peace with God and stand in his grace affect you today (page 35)? – makes me feel more calm and more cared for
    Which joy-building activity brought you the most joy this last week? Why? thanking someone each day and saying the prayer of thanksgiving over them. This keeps me out of my own ‘crap’ and keeps my mind on what God wants me to focus on!

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Hi, Kathy! 1) Yes, caring for the elderly can be overwhelming, and the Christ-like attitude you’re taking is will not only bring you joy, but God will reward it. 2) Yes! 3) Awesome. Thanks for sharing, Kathy.

  18. Margaret
    Margaret says:

    Answer to question 1: When I pray it I received an attitude of grace and peace.
    Answer to question 2: Having peace with God give me hope and hope brings joy.
    Answer to question 3: I continue to do my Bible art journaling.

  19. Bena
    Bena says:

    I am finding it hard to stand hard times because I am not confident that I am a servant of God so therefore all the injustices feel deserved as consequences of bad choices.

    • Jean E.
      Jean E. says:

      Welcome, Bena. That’s a difficult place to be, for sure. First, If you’ve never repented of sins and asked God to forgive you through Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross, start there. Second, I encourage you to create a truth journal, as suggested on pages 41-42. Write out verses such as Romans 5:1-2, Romans 10:9-10, 1 John 1:8-9, Philippians 1:6, and 2 Peter 1:3-9. Also write, “Believe scripture over my feelings.” As you read verses that encourage you, write them down in the journal. Read these passages over and over when you experience doubt. In time, your feelings will follow your thoughts instead of the other way around. Third, look at injustices in a different way. Deserved consequences are justice, not injustice. Christ died to pay the penalty for our sins, so when we in faith turn to Christ, justice has been fully accomplished. So bad things happening to us are not punishment. God does permit natural consequences to form us into the image of Christ. But if people are treating you unjustly, that’s not justice; that’s wrongdoing that should be addressed and forgiven. Fourth, here’s a link that you may find helpful: I’ve Sinned Again … And Again. May the Lord bless you with eyes to see the greatness of his mercy and grace. May the Lord strengthen your spirit to refuse false accusations. May the Lord help you to rest in his loving care.

  20. Karen Gayle Finch
    Karen Gayle Finch says:

    1) I know as a servant of Christ that God has a plan.
    2) It takes away the anxiety of the things that are going on around me.
    3) I enjoyed coloring in the illustrations. It does help me to remember the verses.

  21. Michelle
    Michelle says:

    Hi Jean E., I LOVE what you are teaching in this video! It is such a huge foundation in walking with the Lord. I’m doing this study with 39 ladies this summer. I’m so excited about it & what the Lord will do in all of us. I had an opportunity to respond to “suffering” with prayer and singing praise. It wasn’t anything huge. But, my husband was not doing something, that I really needed him to do, and it had to be done by a certain time. He wasn’t doing it & my mind kept going to negative thoughts. But, I kept turning them & telling the Lird to forgive me for those thoughts, and that I’m thankful for my husband and his willingness to do it, and especially that I could trust Him, the Lord, to work it out, no matter what. I put on praise music and kept singing and giving it to the Lord. I’m so thankful the Lord gave me the knowledge and grace to do that, instead of getting angry and responding in that way. I felt like it was just a constant temptation from the enemy, because he wanted to cause bigger problems than me being frustrated, lol 😀. Thank you for taking the time, energy & everything to put this study together.


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